1 Base, 4 Capabilities and 10 Industries | AsiaInfo Released a Full-Stack Map of Digital Intelligence Products and Solutions

2023-05-23 AsiaInfo

On May 23rd, AsiaInfo officially released the Full-Stack Map of Data Intelligence Products and Solutions. Based on “1 digital intelligence product system and “4 general solution capabilities”, the map has fully integrated with AsiaInfo's AI and data products to provide 150 digital intelligence solutions orienting the “10 major industries”, which fully demonstrated the full-stack capability of AsiaInfo to empower the digital and intelligent transformation of hundreds of industries. Follow this account, send a message in the background titled “full-stack map of digital intelligence” and get the complete map. 


Figure: AsiaInfo's Full-Stack Map of Data Intelligence Products and Solutions (Screenshot) 

“1 Base” - Product System Map of Data Intelligence: AsiaInfo's Product System of Data Intelligence


AsiaInfo's product system of data intelligence consists of several sub-products and 5 modules of “data storage and computing, information processing, knowledge cognition and analysis, intelligent decision and application, and privacy computing and service”. 

Data storage and computing - Based on the principle of separation of storage and computation, it can provide data lakehouse and data weaving capabilities, which is adapted with cloud-native 5G PaaS platform from the edge to cloud and is an efficient and secure big data basic platform. 

Information processing - Orienting “full data lifecycle”, it can provide data services such as integration, handling, governance, security and sharing to help enterprises dig out data value and drive business innovation. 

Knowledge cognition and analysis - Based on data center with assemblable structure, it can conduct knowledge analysis and processing to provide quick and open data analysis, visual tools, one-stop knowledge computing platform in full process and a general framework platform for man-machine dialogue. 

Intelligent decision and application - It can provide AI supports for customers' analysis and decision, empower and bring intelligence to automated robots, assist in solving various problems in the production process. 

Privacy computing and service - Depending on technologies and products such as federated learning, secure multi-party computation, and blockchain, it can help government and enterprise customers realize “available-but-not-visible” data integration across industries without data export, so as to promote the trusted circulation and sharing of data. 

“4 Capabilities” - Exploring How to Reduce Costs While Increasing Efficiency


Figure: General Solutions AsiaInfo for Data Intelligence 

Based on the AsiaInfo's product portfolio of data intelligence, the “4 capabilities” will provide “one-stop” general solution capability for “data storage and computing, data management, operation and maintenance, data intelligent application and data elements circulation”. 

Data storage and computing - It can provide solution capabilities such as real-time data warehouse, logical data warehouse, cloud data center, separation of storage and calculation, and distributed collaboration computing to meet enterprises' requirements of building a data warehouse and storage and computing engine, etc. 

Data management, operation and maintenance - It refers to data processing and governance, indicator and label management, quick operation and maintenance of data, etc., and focuses on helping enterprises govern data with high efficiency and accumulate common data capabilities. 

Data intelligent application - Orienting manufacturing and operation, company management and other fields, it provides quick enhanced BI analysis, robot customer service, edge computing, process automation and other capabilities to assist intelligent analysis and decision; 

Data elements circulation - It provides capabilities in enterprise level such as privacy computing and data circulatioin so as to safeguard the cross-industry data integration. 

“10 Major Industries” - Closely Based on Industry Scenarios and Assist in Transformation and Upgrading 

Based on the above product systems and general capabilities, AsiaInfo provides 150 solutions orienting business scenarios for 10 major industries including communication, public services, energy sources, transportation, finance, postal services, fast moving consumer goods, industry, agriculture, and digital city, helping enterprises better understand the market and customers, optimize business processes and organization structures, improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and win market competition. 

In the future, AsiaInfo will continue to improve its data intelligence products and enrich its solutions, work together with partners to continuously explore the path of cost reduction and efficiency increase in digital intelligence, and provide strong “digital intelligence” momentum for customers' high-quality development.