AsiaInfo is listed in the Gartner Global Network Intelligence Mainstream Supplier Matrix again as a Representative Vendor

2023-02-14 AsiaInfo

Recently, Gartner, the world’s leading ICT research and consulting company, has released the 2023 Market Guide for AI Offerings in CSP Network Operations, which presents survey and analysis of suppliers from different aspects such as development scale, product functions, service scope and key customers, and provides reference for decision makers of global communication operators. After 2022, AsiaInfo is listed in the Gartner Global Network Intelligence Mainstream Supplier Matrix again, and becomes one of the 16 domestic and foreign vendors named as global representative vendors in the network intelligence field including Amdocs, Netcracker, Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei and Juniper Networks. This marks the further consolidation of the leading position of AsiaInfo in the global network intelligence field in term of its “NI products and solutions system”.


Figure: Market Guide for AI Offerings in CSP Network Operations (Source: Gartner)

“Network intelligence” is one of AsiaInfo’s strategic businesses of “One consolidation, Three developments” strategy. As early as in the 4G era, AsiaInfo started its work on product pre-research, business layout, talent reserve and training in the field of 5G network and data intelligence. Now, AsiaInfo has built a complete system of 4/5G network intelligent full-stack technologies and products, and cooperates with the four major communication operators in conducting extensive implementation efforts to promote the commercial application of 5G in China. In addition, AsiaInfo is a key contributor to the international standard proposals for network intelligence in ITU, 3GPP, ETSI and other international organizations for standards. In terms of collaboration between enterprises and research institutes, AsiaInfo and the Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University (AIR) have jointly established the “5G Intelligence Joint Laboratory”, which is committed to the exploration and innovation of 5G network intelligence, autonomous network and other cutting-edge technologies. As one of the main achievements of the joint laboratory, the “5G network intelligence system” passed the National Science and Technology Achievement Appraisal in 2021, bringing the integrated technology up to domestic leading and international advanced level. In particular, five subdivision technologies, including 5G network slicing end-to-end management and 5G Massive MIMO intelligent optimization, have reached international leading level.

AsiaInfo’s 5G Network Intelligence Product

The 5G network intelligence product independently developed by AsiaInfo covers the whole evolution of network ecosystem intelligence, forming an integrated “intelligence adding” and “intelligence integration” solution for 5G ecosystem. It has found large-scale commercial application in the construction of 5G network in China, supporting the construction of 5G communication software ecosystem and the all-round automation and intelligent technology evolution of China’s four major communication operators. Developed based on the “three global drives” concept (global virtualization, global intelligence and global perceptibility), the product integrates AsiaInfo’s mature AI, machine learning, network digital twin technologies and BSS/OSS collaboration capabilities, and provides business operation and support and intelligent O&M capabilities required by communication networks (compatible with 5G, 4G and other networks). It aims to help telecom operators respond to the challenges such as rapid service launch, network planning and optimization, stable network operation, customer perception and experience management under the trend of SDN and NFV, and will continue to help operators improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance/operation, reduce the costs of operation and maintenance/operation, and improve customer satisfaction.

About Gartner

Founded in 1979, Gartner has a wide business coverage in IT research, development, evaluation, application, market and other fields. It provides customers with objective and impartial research reports, and assists customers in market analysis, technology selection, project demonstration, investment decision-making, etc.