AsiaInfo and China Unicom Helped Guangdong Highways Abolish Provincial Toll Stations

2020-05-15 AsiaInfo

Recently, the cloud billing and path fitting system of the management system built by AsiaInfo and China Unicom for Guangdong highways has underwent the Phase II launching. The system has been running steadily since its launch, and the billing success rate is high, achieving a significant effect.

This year, the provincial highway toll stations will be abolished nationwide, which will change the original highway toll method based on entrances and exits to sectionalized toll. ETC vehicles will be billed once upon passing a section, with the expenses collected and deducted when exiting the highway, and the expenses of MTC vehicles (manual toll collection) will be calculated in a unified manner for the expenses of each section at the exit. In the original billing system, cross-provincial traffic needs to go out of highways of the province and be charged before entering the highways in other provinces. After the provincial border toll station is abolished, it is no longer necessary to go out of one highway before entering another highway, with the whole journey on the highways. The passing path will be identified by the gantries along the way, and there is no need to worry about extra costs, thereby realizing the planning intention of “the same network for the roads nationwide”.


With years of large-scale business system construction capabilities and experience, AsiaInfo has used a mature billing plan to build a billing and path fitting system that provides a new tolling model to Guangdong highways. The system has three core billing capabilities of billing management, path fitting and rate management, and provides classified billing services such as MTC billing, ETC billing, billing diagnosis and rate making. Through the output of the billing capability, the front end is enabled to support the realization of centralized billing.

The billing and path fitting system built by AsiaInfo has the following advantages:

1. Billing on cloud: Build the billing system on the cloud platform, make full use of the elastic expansion capability of the cloud platform to meet the growing demand for highway traffic volume;

2. Based on Tiangong platform: The middle layer of the billing system uses China Unicom’s Tiangong platform, taking advantage of the service scheduling capabilities of Tiangong platform to ensure 100% availability after the system is launched;

3. Micro-service architecture: Micro-service architecture enables each service to be independently deployed and expanded without interfering with each other;

4. Drawing on the mature billing plan of the “carrier-class” BSS system that has long served China Unicom, the billing accuracy will be greatly improved.

After the system is launched, during the normal charging period, the total amount of data flow reaches tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and online billing requests reach hundreds of thousands of times a day. The system runs steadily under the pressure of a large amount of data and self adjustment of the system is achieved through continuous monitoring and analysis. Since it was put into use, the overall billing success rate of system has exceeded 99%, which has maintained long-term stability and the fulfillment of the project indicators.

AsiaInfo and China Unicom are long-term strategic partners. With the advent of the 5G era, the two parties have expanded their cooperation and jointly provided services based on 5G, cloud computing, big data and other technologies to customers in various industries to assist the digital transformation of various industries.

In the transportation field, AsiaInfo has also successfully supported highway system upgrade and digitization projects in Yunnan, Hunan and other provinces, systematically verifying the empowerment space of AsiaInfo’s products, services, operations and integration capabilities in vertical industries. From the planning of the top-level plan to the implementation of provincial projects, AsiaInfo has a strong ability to support “the same network for the roads nationwide”, and construct and realize “interconnected road network operation”.